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My Story

Hi! I wanted to give deeper insight into my own experiences with infertility in order to foster feelings of camaraderie and create a safe space for women, no matter what stage they are in, to access the support they need to THRIVE on their fertility journey! 

At age 17, I had never had a period. While I considered this a convenience that made my high school life easier, in the back of my head, I knew something was wrong. After some discussion with doctors over acne, hair, and hormones, bloodwork confirmed high testosterone levels and I was diagnosed with PCOS. I was prescribed progesterone pills and also ended up doing several acne treatments including Doxycycline and Accutane (Isotretinoin). I eventually starting the birth control pill during college resulting in more regular periods and manageable PCOS symptoms. However, after my husband and I decided to start trying for kids, I realized just how much I had ignored my body all those years. I stopped birth control, waited patiently (or maybe not so patiently...) for 3 months to get a period, and when none came, I jumped into the world of reproductive health! My first desperate attempt to fix my cycle was Metformin which produced immediate results. I had a period and got pregnant within the month. I was naive, though, to the underlying imbalances that were never truly fixed in my body and had a miscarriage 8 weeks later. This was devastating, but also motivated me to reset and dive into functional (or holistic) medicine. I have to thank my amazing family and especially husband for supporting me through all the changes functional medicine brought. I discovered I had several food intolerances, a parasite, thyroid and hormonal issues, but after dietary changes and supplements, my body has come a long way in healing! If you have questions about ovulation tracking, exercise for fertility, diet and supplements, PCOS weight loss, supporting your hormones or what to do next to get pregnant or prepare to, look no further! I have experienced many of the emotional ups and downs that come with infertility and am passionate about advocating and supporting women to help them achieve their goals of becoming mothers and find VITALITY in the process! With my knowledge as a registered nurse and fertility coach, as well as my personal experiences, I'm here to help you!

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